We have everything ready to welcome you in Bilbao in October!

The impressive Euskalduna Conference Centre will once again serve as the venue for QATEST. This palace has been awarded countless times for its versatility, modernity, ecological practices, innovative approaches, and more. But beyond that, it holds a little secret…

Would you like to know more? As many of you may know, Bilbao is a city that has undergone significant changes in the last 30 years. Nothing remains of its industrial, gray, and smoky past; today, we live in a fresh, modern, and cosmopolitan city that, through subtle nods, reminds us of its not-so-distant history.
One of these nods is the Euskalduna, as the building was conceived by its architects, Federico Soriano and Dolores Palacios, as a ship in perpetual construction, emerging from a dry dock where the Euskalduna shipyard used to be.