Previous Editions – QA&TEST Embedded
QA&TEST 2024

Daniel Moka (Moka IT – Hungary)
The Conference included 18 presentations divided into 8 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials and four keynotes. Internationally renowned companies and organisations.
Best Conference Award: Daniel Moka (Moka IT – Hungary), for his presentation “Mutation Testing In Action”
QA&TEST 2023

Jency Stella (Billennium IT Services Sdn. Bhd – Malasya)
The Conference included 24 presentations divided into 7 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials and four keynotes. Internationally renowned companies and organisations.
Best Conference Award: Jency Stella (Billennium IT Services Sdn. Bhd – Malasya) for his presentation “API Security Test With POSTMAN”
QA&TEST 2022

Daniel Nilsson (Quality Minds – Sweden)
The Conference included 24 presentations divided into 7 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials, a special lecture and three keynotes. Internationally renowned companies and organisations have participated in the 2018 edition.
Best Conference Award: Daniel Nilsson (Quality Minds – Sweden), for his presentation “Introduction to testing AI based system”
QA&TEST 2021
QA&TEST 2021
The Conference has included 17 presentations divided in 5 thematic tracks, for training sessions and three keynotes. QA&TEST 2021 has had the participation of organizations of recognized international prestige.
QA&TEST 2020

QA&TEST 2020
The Conference has included 17 presentations divided in 7 thematic tracks, two nine-hour training sessions and three keynotes. QA&TEST 2020 has had the participation of organizations of recognized international prestige: CAF, ProRail, HP, Intel, VMWare, etc.
QA&TEST 2019

Ali Khalid (Emirates – EAU)
The Conference included 18 presentations divided into 7 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials, two special lectures and three keynotes. Internationally renowned companies and organisations have participated in the 2019 edition: Philips Healthcare, Intel, Emirates, PractiTest, Adidas, etc.
Best Conference Award: Ali Khalid (Emirates – UAE), for his presentation “Become a pro tester by using fault injection for testing embedded systems”
QA&TEST 2018

Jitesh Gosai (BBC – UK)
The Conference included 20 presentations divided into 8 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials, a special lecture and three keynotes. Internationally renowned companies and organisations have participated in the 2017 edition: XBOSoft, BBC, Philips, Intel, Quality Minds, Qualitest Group, etc.
Best Conference Award: Jitesh Gosai (BBC – UK), for his presentation “DevOps: So where are the Testers?”
QA&TEST 2017

Peter Varhol (Dynatrace – USA)
The Conference included 27 presentations divided into 8 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials, a special lectura and three keynotes. Internationally renowned companies and organisations have participated in the 2017 edition: Intel, Volvo, Roche Diagnostics, VerifySoft, Lean-Agile Partners, Valori, etc.
Best Conference Award: Peter Varhol (Dynatrace – Usa) for his presentation “Mobile Apps and the Role of Load Testing”
QA&TEST 2016

Federico TOLEDO (Abstracta – Uruguay)
The Conference included 27 presentations divided into 8 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials, a special lecture and three keynotes. Internationally renowned companies and organisations have participated in the 2016 edition:: Intel, Volvo, Roche Diagnostics, VerifySoft, Lean-Agile Partners, Valori, etc.
Best Conference Award: Federico TOLEDO (Abstracta – Uruguay) for his presentation “Pros and Cons of Doing Performance Testing Along with Development Versus at the End of it”
QA&TEST 2015

Alejandro Méndez & Adrià Guixà (IDNEO – Spain)
The Conference included 27 presentations divided in 6 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials, and three keynotes.
Internationally renowned companies and organisations have participated in the 2015 edition: Intel, Dell, Baufest, Samsung, Sioux Embedded Systems, etc.
Best Conference Award : Alejandro Méndez & Adrià Guixà (IDNEO – Spain) for their presentation “Validation team and testability commitment”
QA&TEST 2014

Paul Derckx (Philips Healthcare / MRI / R&D – The Netherlands)
The Conference included 28 presentations divided in 6 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials, a special lecture and three keynotes.
Internationally renowned companies and organisations have participated in the 2014 edition: Intel, Samsung, Orange, Adobe, Sioux, Phillips, etc.
Best Conference Award: Paul Derckx (Philips Healthcare / MRI / R&D – The Netherlands) for his presentation “Risk based test strategy – implementation in a medical device industry”
QA&TEST 2013

Kristian Karl (Spotify – Suecia)
The Conference included 28 presentations divided in 6 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials, a special lecture and three keynotes.
Internationally renowned companies and organisations have participated in the 2014 edition: Intel, Samsung, Orange, Adobe, Sioux, Phillips, Marvell, etc.
Best Conference Award: Kristian Karl (Spotify – Sweden) for his presentation “How Spotify does test automation on IOS and Android”
QA&TEST 2012

Lynn McKee (Quality Perspectives – Canada)
The Conference included 22 presentations divided in 8 thematic tracks, 2 tutorials and three keynotes. Internationally renowned companies and organisations have participated in the 2014 editionIntel, Samsung, Nokia, Adobe, Quality Perspectives, Valori, Sioux, Phillips, Anderi, etc.
Best Conference Award: Lynn McKee (Quality Perspectives – Canada) for her keynote “Transforming your organizations”
QA&TEST 2011

Julian Hardy (Ebay – Reino Unido)
The conference consisted of 20 presentations divided into 8 thematic tracks with 2 tutorials for the opening session, 3 Keynote lectures and a two 10th Anniversary speakers.
As in previous years the lecturers in QA&TEST 2011 Conference come from the world´s most relevant and innovative companies and institutions as Intel, Touchtype, ThyssenKrupp Elevators, Samsung, Ericsson Telecommunication, Philips Healthcare, Rabobank, etc.
Best Conference Award: Julian Hardy (Ebay – Reino Unido) for his presentation “Pushing the Boundaries of User Experience Test Automation”
QA&TEST 2010

Gitte Ottosen (Systematic Software Engineering – Denmark )
The conference consisted of 20 presentations divided into 8 thematic tracks with 2 tutorials for the opening session, 4 Keynote lectures and a special lecture.
As in previous years the lecturers in QA&TEST 2010 Conference come from the world´s most relevant and innovative companies and institutions as Microsoft, Motorola, Intel, Ericsson, Solvera, AbsInt, Atosorigin, Qualsys Solutions, etc.
Best Conference Award: Gitte Ottosen (Systematic Software Engineering – Denmark ) for her presentation “Operational testing – walking a mile in the users boots”
QA&TEST 2009

Alvin Sumter (Cox Newspaper – USA)
The conference consisted of 24 presentations divided into 8 thematic tracks with 2 tutorials for the opening session and 3 Keynote lectures.
As in previous years the lecturers in QA&TEST 2009 Conference come from the world´s most relevant and innovative companies and institutions as IBM, la NASA , Ericsson, Hewlett Packar, Collis, Cox Newspaper, PractiTest, GMV Aerospace and Defense, Logigear, etc.
Best Conference Award: Alvin Sumter (Cox Newspaper – USA) for his presentation “How can Metrics be made Actionable”
QA&TEST 2008

Eric Megens (High Tech Solutions – The Netherlands)
The conference consisted of 24 presentations divided into 6 thematic tracks with 2 tutorials for the opening session and 3 Keynote lectures.
As in previous years the lecturers in QA&TEST 2008 Conference come from the world´s most relevant and innovative companies and institutions as Telelogic, an IBM Company, Adobe Systems, Logitech, Aricent Technologies, Collis, Cox Newspaper, NTE /Werfen Group, Zurich Insurance, etc…
Best Conference Award: Eric Megens (High Tech Solutions – The Netherlands) for his presentation “Lesson learned in Test- and configuration management”
QA&TEST 2007

an Peleska ( Universidad de Bremen – Alemania) y Cornelia Zahlten (Verified Systems International GmbH – Alemania)
The conference consisted of 24 presentations divided into 6 thematic tracks with 2 tutorials for the opening session and 3 Keynote lectures.
As in previous years the lecturers in QA&TEST 2007® Conference come from the world´s most relevant and innovative companies and institutions as Intel Corporation , IBM Research Lab, Nokia, Siemens, Atos Origin Technical Automation, Sioux Embedded Systems BV, Quality Software, Ericsson Telecommunicatie…
Best Conference Award: Jan Peleska ( Universidad de Bremen – Alemania) y Cornelia Zahlten (Verified Systems International GmbH – Alemania) for their presentation “Integrated Automated Test Case Generation and Static Analysis”
QA&TEST 2006

Adrian Hill (Johns Hopkins University -USA)
The conference consisted of 25 presentations divided into 6 thematic tracks with 2 tutorials for the opening session. As in previous years the lecturers in QA&TEST 2006® Conference come from the world´s most relevant and innovative companies and institutions as Daimler-Chrysler, Fraunhofer, Siemens, Motorola, HP, Ericsson….
Best Conference Award: Adrian Hill (Johns Hopkins University -USA) for his presentation “Importance of Performing stress testing on Embedded Software Applications”