Software test automation in embedded systems will be a central topic at the upcoming QA&TEST Embedded conference, scheduled for October 9-11, 2024, at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao.

This approach is becoming increasingly relevant in the industry, given the growing complexity of embedded systems and the need to ensure their quality and security efficiently. Automation allows for rapid and repeatable test execution, reducing human errors and optimizing resources. Furthermore, it facilitates more comprehensive coverage of test scenarios, which is crucial in an agile development environment.

During the conference, industry experts will share techniques and tools for implementing effective automation strategies, as well as the integration of artificial intelligence in the testing process.

Organized by SQS, QA&TEST Embedded has established itself as an essential forum for the industry, where the latest innovations and best practices in embedded systems testing are addressed. Test automation is a recurring theme in each edition, reflecting its importance in developing high-quality software and driving improvements in the reliability and quality of embedded systems we use in our daily lives.