James Walker
Curiosity Software (Ireland)
Test less, deliver faster: Generating risk-based tests for embedded systems
I spent much of 2022 applying model-based testing to hardware manufacturing, using flowcharts to generate tests for connected-up devices. This talk will discuss the insights I gained, including a live demo to inspire you to get started with visual modelling. I will discuss how: Modelling creates reusable assets that define automation and data for testing individual components of embedded systems. Visually assembling the reusable flows rapidly authors end-to-end scenarios, overcoming the “combinatorial explosion” created as hardware and software are linked-up. Automated test generation identifies the smallest set of tests needed to “cover” the integrated logic, while avoiding cumbersome scripting and maintenance. Updating central models and automation libraries updates end-to-end tests as components change, while maintaining “living” requirements for faster development. If you enjoyed the “State Model-Based Testing” workshop in 2021, this talk will highlight additional benefits of modelling, while introducing you to new, collaborative techniques. If you’re new to MBT, this could be the introduction to get you started!

James started his career with a PhD in visual analytics, a topic that combines human problem solving with computer processing power. He has since applied these ground-breaking approaches to testing and development, focusing particularly on Model-Based Test Generation, Requirements Engineering, and Test Data Automation. James was a senior engineer at Grid-Tools and CA Technologies, where he gained experience in leading high-performance development teams. He is now Chief Technology Officer at Curiosity Software, where he collaborates with a range of organisations to solve the hardest challenges in their testing and development.