Daniel Moka
Moka IT (Hungary)
Mutation Testing In Action
Code coverage is not a quality metric. You can have 100% code coverage without any test assertions. Code coverage can help to detect untested areas of the code, but it doesn't tell anything about the tested areas. How can we measure the quality of our tests then? The answer is: Mutation Testing. In this session, I will explain what Mutation Testing is and demonstrate how to use it through a live coding session. I will also present why Test-Driven Development (TDD) is the most optimal approach for writing code with the most reliable test suite. Don’t write tests to increase code coverage. Write tests to gain confidence. Key Takeaways: - Learn why code coverage is a misleading metric - Understand what Mutation Testing is and how it works - Explore how you can create different types of mutations - Discover the latest tools to execute mutation testing - Learn why TDD is the best solution for writing quality tests
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