Iñaki García Brito
Orbital Critical Systems (Spain)
Analysis and experiences dealing with the creation of a testing platform for safety environments. From concept to reality
The objective of this paper is to explain the analysis and experiences we have dealt with the creation of a platform for system integration, simulation of complex systems, data monitoring, verification and testing in safety environments. MIMETS (the testing platform) provides a software framework that integrates all the tools to operate as a monitor of the system to which it connects, through the acquisition and simulation of data, execution of tests and generation of automatic documentation. The solution is highly distributed and independent from components, Operative Systems and device hardware manufacturers (Multi-Platform). Also, MIMETS is fully capable of generating data by different interfaces (SW / HW), for data acquisition, monitoring, simulation of real devices, and stimulation of physical signals through its combination with the FIT (Flexible infrastructre test) which is a flexible hardware capable of adapting to the needs of the system under test
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